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Important note: If you choose multiple keywords, make sure your keywords do not belong to different niches. They should belong to the same niche. Otherwise, search engines would be confused what your website is all about. Makes sense right?

This is almost like creatig a link wheel, with a few spokes missing. The search engines will reward you for this, and move your page(s) up the ranking. If you do not have double rankings for the same keywords, Pinterest you can still get extra search engine love by getting backlinks to those pages that are already optimized for your main keyword. Use these SEO tips to good advantage by practicing.

The "it" I've mentioned in the PC, so the word "it" gives the meaning "PC". So change the word "it" to "PC". Like this, there are several ways to increase the keyword density. The best keyword density for SEO is 2-5%. You can check it your article's keyword density using some online tools such as, keyword density analyzer.

Profile Pages - So you have created your company or personal profile pages in sites like Silicon India, LinkedIn, Ezine Articles, Twitter, YouTube and other such business and social networking/bookmarking communities. In the profile pages, you are allowed to link out to your website and blog. These are good power links. But, by building additional links to your external profile pages you can add the extra boost of link power back to your website.

SEO news Adjust your sails - I didn't plan to lose one calf muscle and then the next. On both occasions I had to change my race plan and in the end that plan included just gritting my teeth. So it is with SEO. Sometimes your initial strategies won't work. Sometimes you will need to rest, take a break, do something else. But if you keep an eye on the finishing line, then you will get there, one way or another. Sometimes it is BETTER to slow down, give Google Girl a chance to catch up and appreciate your efforts thus far.

Most SEO experts don't have a proper strategy in place to secure your rankings. What's amazing is that the client feels SEO is not something they will understand, and don't feel they need too. This means your SEO tactics could be shooting darts in the dark hoping to hit the bull's eye. Are you aware of the SEO strategies being used on your website and do you understand them?

The path ahead. Once you have a fair idea of the current realities of your website, the next step would be to figure out where you are headed and what path would be best to reach there. Building a road map for your online business is crucial if a website is to achieve success online.

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