The Top Five Seo Secrets

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This is very important - you must put the keyword you are trying to rank for in your title, description of the page and somewhere in your URL. Why? Because you need to tell the search engines what your page is about! This will help the search engines rank your pages for your keywords.

SEO news Do not overlook the search engine guidelines. It is amazing how many people ignore the guidelines put out there, for free, by the folks at the major search engines. These guides tell you what to do or not do for your page to be ranked by their engine. Don't ignore this free advice!

Some experts estimate that as many as 100,000 new websites go live every day That's 36,500,000 new websites a year! And, I venture to say that that's a conservative estimate. So following are three basic SEO tips that every freelance writer can start using immediately to increase website traffic.

It is best practice to use the HTML tag around some keywords that are relevant to the page and that are listed in that page Meta keyword list. DO NOT use them everywhere and on every keyword as this will cause an overuse of the tags. Using it once or twice in a page or Pinterest post is plenty. I recommend using the tag around a keyword that appears the most. DO NOT bold every single word i.e. if your keyword was 'SEO' and on the page you have SEO appearing 10 times, just make one bold which is enough.

Most marketers aren't spending money to send traffic to their Facebook. The larger majority send paid traffic to their website. Think about it, why would I want to pay to send traffic to my Facebook profile where there are several chances for the visitor to leave my profile and not convert into a lead? Facebook is an easily distracted environment. Your website is engaging and focuses on one thing: your niche. No random IM requests, no Farmville to take care of, no "which celebrity do I resemble?" quizzes. Having a website with keyword rich, optimized content is required if you want to maximize your return on investment.

Conversion Analysis - Of course, with any business, you are in it to make money. While it is okay and natural to lose money on some of your SEO strategies, it is also important that you do not lose money on a long term basis. You must have a positive Return on Investment, and you must be implementing procedures that will create a positive ROI. Web analytics is a great tool to help you determine which SEO strategies work and which ones do not. Remember that just because something works for someone else, it may not work for you. Vice versa, a strategy that works for you, may not work for someone else. The key here is to test every strategy first and see where it takes you!

I don't think your average person has any idea what PR is, and I doubt they would care to get high PR links since they have no idea of their value. So don't work on a "I'll get you ### PR4 links for $ amount of money." Part of what I do with my clients is educate them as well, that way they see the value in what I am doing and why I am doing it.

Know what keywords you should focus on. And to do this you will have to use a keyword research tool. Do not think for a second that you can do it on your own without utilizing a tool or a software. Because even if you know what your target traffic wants to look for it does not mean you know the exact words they would be using in their online searches. And that is where a keyword tool will come in very handy. It will show you the frequently searched terms including how many people are searching for these words every month.

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